General Partnership Agreement (GPA)

Thank you for your interest in partnering with Siuslaw Vision! The Vision is a grassroots, community-led effort to enhance opportunities in the Siuslaw region. We collaborate with Siuslaw residents and groups to help them achieve their dreams.

We look forward to learning more about your interest in a General Partnership with Siuslaw Vision! If you want to partner with the Vision for a specific initiative or project, a Project Partnership Agreement may be a better fit.

What We Offer General Partnerships

Our volunteer Vision Team approves General Partnership Agreements (GPA) that are within our focus areas, mission and capacity. The Vision Team keeps our community-led effort moving forward and they are supported by three part-time staff coordinators. Our primary role is to increase communication throughout the region, and to connect people and groups with each other and with the information, skills, and resources they need to reach their goals.

We prioritize capacity building support to empower community partners to develop their own abilities, and to develop independent, sustainable organizations. (By capacity building, we generally mean increasing knowledge, skills, and resources.)

Our GPAs tend to focus on mutual benefit, and we also offer our GPAs help on a sliding scale of actual costs for services, with consideration for our partner’s resources.

  • Capacity Building (training, skills, referrals to resources)
    • Fiscal sponsorship (to accept and manage grants for your organization)
    • support with diversity/equity/inclusion
    • evaluation & data collection
    • grant writing support
    • strategic planning
    • volunteer coordination
  • Connections
      • building community connections
      • developing community engagement
      • referrals to existing resources
      • marketing & publicity
      • meeting facilitation

What We Ask of Our General Partnerships

We ask that our partners contribute to the work of Siuslaw Vision. We will discuss this with you during the GPA process. Siuslaw Vision is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit; your donation may be tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

  • Financial contributions
    • paying an agreed fee for services provided
  • In-kind donations
    • materials
    • services
    • volunteer time
    • partnership trades

Submit the General Partnership Menu Form

Email the General Partnership Menu Form to the Vision Coordinator There are two sections – How can the Vision support your organization or business? and How will your organization support the Vision? The coordinator will confirm its receipt. From there, the Vision Team will review your form. If we decide to move forward with the General Partnership, we will be in contact to discuss:

  • Responsibilities and contributions of Siuslaw Vision
  • Responsibilities and contributions of the project partners
  • Estimated value of each partner’s contributions