Press & Media Guide
Best Practices & Things to Think About Before Submitting a News Release/Public Service Announcement
- Prepare any documents such as posters, flyers, and images beforehand.
- It is good to have the copies of each in a PDF and an image format such as jpg and png files types.
- Create an engaging title and first paragraph.
- These two items are key to making your news release newsworthy.
- Make sure you include the following information in the body of your PSA:
- Who
- What
- Where
- When
- How
- Why
- Assume the reader knows nothing about your event when writing your press release.
- List a contact person and include contact information in the text of your PSA.
- Have another person review the news release to catch any typos, misspellings and other errors.
- Remember: Submitting a news release/PSA does not guarantee publication.
- News staff takes into consideration timeliness of the event in helping determine which press releases are published first, not by order of being received. Air time and space availability are also considerations.
- Consider purchasing advertising if your budget allows.
Helpful Links on How to Write a Press Release:
Siuslaw News Press Release Submission Guidelines (reviewed July, 2022)
KXCR Florence How to Write Your PSA in 6 Simple Steps
How to Write a Press Release Which Gets Results in 2023, from
Media College Press Release Example Template
eReleases Example Template