Tips for Great Meetings

We love meetings! Siuslaw Vision has agreements we follow to make our meetings productive and enjoyable. Please enjoy our tips for great meetings!

Respect Everyone’s Time

  • Attend and participate
  • Be prepared
  • Share project progress with meeting coordinator before each meeting
  • Stay on topic per agenda
  • Use the “parking lot” for off-topic items

Start With an Ice Breaker

An ice breaker is a question used to warm up the group with a short questions & answer. Ice breakers help teams bond and connect in virtual, hybrid and in person meetings!

One example of an ice breaker question:

Is a hot dog a sandwich?

Use a Parking Lot

  • Use the “parking lot” for off-topic ideas so they are not lost
  • Include topics on future agendas, when appropriate
  • Connect parking lot ideas to other community groups, when appropriate

What is a Parking Lot?
A parking lot captures unrelated questions or out-of-scope conversation during meetings or work sessions in order to keep the discussion focused and maintain momentum. Parking lot items can be listed in meeting notes and added to a parking lot document. They also can be added to future meeting agendas when applicable. Periodically review the parking lot!

Be Inclusive

  • Make space for all voices and opinions
  • Remember, some people need time to process
  • Be aware of and avoid bias
  • Support collaboration
  • Listen respectfully
  • Welcome different ideas and perspectives
  • Leverage cultural differences and be sensitive to participants whose first language is not English
  • Create opportunities for remote participants (internet access, transportation, etc.)

Attend with an Open Mind

  • Listen with a goal to learn and understand, not necessarily to agree
  • Replace judgment with curiosity
  • Be open to changing your perspective

Embrace Conflict & Decision Making

  • Question ideas, not people
  • Speak your truth, responsibly
  • Understand that conflict is sometimes necessary to reach new ideas/solutions
  • Deal openly and honestly with conflict
  • Understand that conflict does not represent failure
  • Work together to find middle ground

Manage Team Confidentiality

  • Keep sensitive information confidential
  • Details stay in the group, but the learning leaves

Speak as a Team Outside of Meetings

  • Speak as a group; it’s vital
  • No single person represents the group
  • Co-conveners or designated communications representatives will speak for the group in public