Showing 16 - 22 of 22
Safe Shelter for Siuslaw Students

Provides emergency temporary housing and diversion services for K-12 students in the Siuslaw region and for their families as needed, then assisting them to move into transitional housing

Siuslaw Outreach Services

Siuslaw Outreach Services provides a wide variety of free services for individuals, specifically including Domestic Violence, Emergency Aid Assistance, and a Safe House Shelter.

1576 W 12th Street, Florence, 97439
Provides services for those experiencing homelessness
Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue

Call 911 for an emergency

West Lane Emergency Operations Group

Collaborative effort between governmental entities & associated private citizen groups whose mission is to identify, plan for, mitigate the impact of, react to & recover from disasters in W. Lane Cty.

Western Lane Ambulance District

Emergency ambulance and medical service.

Western Lane Crisis Response – Mobile Crisis Re...

Call 911 for an emergency – ask for WLCR. Offers support and guidance to community members in the Siuslaw region who are faced with unexpected traumatic situations and/or mental health crises

2635 U.S. 101, Florence, 97439,United States
Provides services for those experiencing homelessness